
Call for Papers


Authors are encouraged to submit an abstract of 750 words, excluding references, as early as possible. Each submitted work will go through a review process by the Scientific Committee to ensure quality and adherence to the conference theme(s). All references should be in the latest APA format. All papers and presentations are to be in the English language only. There is no need to define sections or subsections in the abstract but the abstract should include the following:

  • Purpose and relevance of the study - clearly articulate the purpose of your study and its significance within the relevant field or discipline.
  • Critique of the literature - provide a brief overview or critique of the existing literature or theoretical frameworks related to your study.
  • Methodology employed in the study - describe the research methodology, approach, or framework utilized in your study. Highlight any innovative or unique aspects.
  • Findings and original contribution to the field - present the key findings, results, or outcomes of your study. Emphasize how your work contributes to the field.

Please ensure your abstract is concise, well-structured, and coherent. Use clear language and avoid excessive technical terminology. Remember to focus on the most relevant and impactful aspects of your study within the limited word count.

At least one author of each submission must register for the conference and is invited to deliver an in-person presentation at the conference. Please include full contact details of all authors and co-authors (names, affiliations, email addresses, and other relevant information to facilitate effective communication).

Important info:

All accepted abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings. Authors have the option to submit a full paper, which will be published in the proceedings.

Authors of outstanding papers will be invited to submit to partner journals through an expedited review.

For any questions or concerns regarding abstract submission please contact

Dr. Alan Fyall ( or Dr. Jeannie Hahm (