Keynote Session
Destination Planning for Events: A Portfolio Perspective
- Dr. Alan Fyall
- University of Central Florida, USA

Dr. Alan Fyall is Associate Dean Academic Affairs and Visit Orlando Endowed Chair of Tourism Marketing at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida. Alan serves on the Advisory Board of TravelAbility, an organization dedicated to providing thought leadership in accessible travel, is Founding Editor of the Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, an elected Fellow of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism, where he currently serves as Second-Vice-President, and is a former Board Member of the Bournemouth Tourism Management Board (DMO).
Alan has conducted many tourism destination development and management projects for clients in the UK, European Union, Africa, the Caribbean, USA, and Southeast Asia. Clients include the ESRC (UK), Grant Thornton, Ernst & Young, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Malaysian Government, the Supreme Commission for Tourism and Antiquities (Saudi Arabia), World Travel & Tourism Council and The Ocean Panel.
Alan’s current research interests relate to tourism sustainability and resilience with a specific focus on inclusive and accessible destination development and the impacts of tourism and events on resident communities. Alan recently served as one of the lead authors of The Ocean Panel publication “Opportunities for Transforming Coastal and Marine Tourism: Towards Sustainability, Regeneration and Resilience”.
Alan has published over two hundred peer-reviewed academic outputs including twenty-seven books. His books include Marketing for Tourism & Hospitality: Collaboration, Technology and Experiences (Abingdon, Routledge), Tourism Principles & Practice (Sixth Edition) (Harlow, Pearson Education) and Tourism Marketing: A Collaborative Approach (Clevedon, Channel View Publications). Alan also sits on the editorial boards of many leading journals while he has supervised over 30 Ph.D. students through to completion (12 as Chair) and served as external examiner for over 40 Ph.D. dissertations in the UK, India, France, South Africa, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia and New Zealand.